Expense Tracker
A web app where you can track your expenses for a given year.
Check out the app here!
Tools: javascript, React- hook and components
The item, price and the date it was bought is shown given a year. There is a chart that helps visualize the relative amount spent in each month.
Add Item
To add an item, click 'Add New Expense' for the form. The new expense will get added to the provided year.
Users can filter by year. By selecting a year, the app will display the expenses of that year.
No Expense
In the case that there are no expense inputted, the app will display the following message.
As a student, I often order food or purchase miscellaneous supplies. Sometimes I go over budget without realizing, so I created an expense tracker app while learning react.
Toronto | Waterloo ON
+1 (647) 528-1092